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Tips for Relieving Pain from a Canker Sore

Is a canker sore living near your smile and causing extreme discomfort and pain? If so, our Payson Dental and Orthodontics dental team has some good news for you! There are ways you can relieve your pain and provide relief and comfort. Some of those ways are:

Old-Fashioned remedies

–Ice the area: Head over to your freezer and grab an ice cube from your ice cube tray. Then, wrap it with a paper towel or a thin washcloth. Now, place the wrapped cube on the canker sore to provide temporary relief from pain. Please don’t place the cube directly on the sore.

–Use a tea bag: If you have black tea nearby, you can use it to dull the pain of your canker sore. This is because it contains tannin, which is a powerful pain-relieving agent. All you need to do is soak the bag with water and place it over the canker.

Over-the-Counter Remedies

–Swish your mouth: Luckily, there are mouth rinses that you can purchase at the store to relieve your pain. Those rinses should be alcohol-free and they should clean the mouth and also soothe the irritation. It also has hydrogen peroxide and a refreshing flavor.

–Use pain reliever: Another product you can buy at the store is numbing paste. This product usually protects the sore and promotes healing. It can instantly numb the area as its ingredient benzocaine starts to activate.

If you use one or more of these tricks, then you’ll be on your way toward a comfortable mouth! For more information and details about how to relieve canker sore pain in Payson, Utah, please call our office at 801-465-7966. Dr. Brian Kraft would also be happy to help you if you schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience. We are happy to help you so you can have the comfort and relief you deserve!

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