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How to Help Your Child Prevent Tooth Misalignment

If you’re interested in helping your child prevent tooth misalignment and maintain straight and beautiful teeth, then our orthodontist, Dr. Brian Kraft, has some tips for you! Fortunately, there are things you can do to help your child reach those smile goals. Those things are:

-Try to limit oral fixation habits: Some of these habits include using a pacifier, thrusting the tongue and sucking the thumb. These habits cause tooth misalignments because they place undue pressure on the teeth and make them shift. It’s best to help your child curb these habits as much as possible.

-Bring your child into our office at an early age: You can bring them in for an orthodontic consultation as early as age 7. This can help our orthodontist ensure your child’s teeth, jaw and smile are all on the right track. This can also allow our orthodontist to give you the tips you need to help your child have straight and healthy teeth.

-Consider using space maintainers: Space maintainers are very beneficial when preserving space in the mouth and preventing overcrowding issues. If your child’s 20 baby teeth are being replaced with their 32 permanent teeth, consider using space maintainers to prevent overlapping of the teeth and other alignment problems.

Do you have any questions about how to help your child prevent tooth misalignment in Payson, Utah? If so, please contact Payson Dental and Orthodontics at 801-465-7966 when you get the chance. Our orthodontic team is here to help you in any way we can, and we look forward to giving you the answers you’re looking for!

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